Copyright House Directory

We have opened the Copyright House Directory. The directory shows a list of registered works with Copyright House, including the title of registered works, author, registration id of the work, date and time stamp, security code and other information submitted during copyright registration.

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Duration Of Copyright Protection

As a general rule, copyright protection lasts for the creator's lifetime and for a further 70 years after the creator's death. There are, however, exceptions to this rule.

The main categories that copyright protected works fall into are:
Literary, Dramatic, Musical and Artistic. (For more information about these categories go to our 'What is Copyright' page.)

The duration of copyright protection for all works in these categories is the creator's lifetime plus 70 years. The 70 years commence from the end of the year in which the death occurred. In the case of a film the 70 years start from the death of the last remaining director, author of screenplay and dialogue, or composer of any original music for the film score.

When a work has joint ownership of copyright, the 70 years protection begins at the end of the year when the last surviving collaborator dies.
